32 Essentials for Superhero Leadership
Generate positive energy from minute one.
Be human, honest - tell people what you really think - admit your mistakes.
Communicate consistent messages. Walk the talk.
Listen, even when you know the answers.
Try to avoid all prejudices regarding management styles. There is strength in diversity.
Don’t be imperious or self-important. Be accessible.
Learn from past problems but don’t dwell on them - generates negative energy.
Never think “I’ve seen it all before” -major cause of leadership failure. Accept that you will have holes in your expertise. Get help to fill them.
Find a few people who will tell the truth even when it hurts - who will level with you about your performance.
Always hire world class people - never settle.
Organizational Culture/Value System
Creating a new culture - A leader’s toughest job - the waltz or the tango - which style is appropriate?
Be maze bright - The maze is how decisions get made. Master it, then change it if needed - balance structure with flexibility.
Technology can’t dominate communications - face to face is best - understand culture in other countries.
Be a cheerleader - allow others to dream.
Celebrate success publicly - don’t fixate on negatives.
Creating Change
Try to sell your ideas to subordinates - don’t ram them through.
But be decisive to a fault - otherwise gangrene will kill the body. Poor decisions can be altered later.
Embrace true emotional maturity - the realization and internalization that you can’t make everyone happy - can’t accomplish turnarounds fearing others opinions.
Eliminate layers of management that exist only to pass data from one level to another.
Know the difference between managing and leading.
a. Manage things- cash, inventory, machines, time. They won’t question decisions
b. But lead human beings, they will question decisions.
If possible make changes all at once - even positive change scares human beings - let the healing begin.
Be ruthless when called for - laziness, dishonesty, illegal acts.
In Extremis
90% of business problems are based on poor leadership.
Welcome problems - worry about what you don’t know.
Never panic - at least not in front of others.
Inner Self
Never let ego overwhelm good sense. Many advantageous deals were lost over perceived slights. Best response is success.
Maintain your energy - mental and physical.
Find quiet hours to escape and detach - to solitude, to family, to friends.
Remember the details of your failures - forget your successes.
Don’t write a book about your adventures while you are on the job.
Don’t embrace the “cult of the CEO” - suddenly you are a celebrity.
Know when it is time to go.
Copyright 2023
Travel to alien environments
Team sports and other competitions
Performing arts
Study abroad (no English)
Join Military/Peace Corps
See poverty (47% of the world)
Watch natural mentors’ behavior
Encourage altruism, volunteer work
Become expert at something
Remember interactions with poor leaders
Study history “The past is prologue”
Let kids make their own choices
Let failure be a teacher
“Earn it”